Apple Pay FAQs

  • Why can’t my customers see the Apple Pay button?

    This may be because Apple Pay has not been enabled on your website. To confirm whether Apple Pay is available within your software and confirm it is added to your website if it is, please contact your software provider.

    If you have verified the above and a customer still can’t see it, it may be because the customer is not using an Apple Pay supported device/browser. 

  • Why are my customers seeing an error when they select to pay with Apple Pay?

    This may be because your website's domain has not been registered with Apple successfully. Please contact your software platform to rectify this.

  • Why is a customer seeing ‘Payment failed’ after authenticating with Apple Pay?

    The payment is most likely being declined. You can view declined payments and the reasons why within the ClearAccept Portal.

  • How will I get paid for payments processed using Apple Pay?

    These payments will be paid out with your other card payments.

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